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MEININGER Roma Termini
Řím - MEININGER Roma Termini
The hostel comes with free WiFi and a host of other amenities so come check us out!
The service at MEININGER Roma Termini is as diverse as the city itself.
It is a given that you can enjoy a healthy “all you can eat and drink” breakfast buffet, delicious packed lunches, free WiFi and the possibility for late check-out as well as affordable prices and modern facilities. The MEININGER hostel Roma Termini is the ideal place for a traveller to bed down for the night if th Show more Ukaž méně
MEININGER hostels are known for their social and fun atmosphere so why not come down to Roma Termini and experience it for yourself?
The public zones we have created are the best place to experience this atmosphere- check out the bar, lounge and guest kitchen (it can only be used for warming precooked food and storage).

There are also many more attractions in the city centre which can be easily reached from MEININGER. Visitors can admire the Castel Sant'Angelo, the Spanish Steps, The MEININGER Roma Termini is in a lovingly renovated old building close to the main train station T Show more Ukaž méně
Roma Termini nádraží
Public transport
Staré město
Castro Pretorio
Santa Maria Maggiore
San Pietro v Vincoli s Mojžíšem
Santa Prassede
Piazza della Repubblica
Extáze St Theresa
Santa Maria della Vittoria
Arch of Constantine
Domus Aurea
Tritonská fontána
Fontana della Barcaccia
Piazza di Spagna
Španělské schody
Trinità dei Monti
Via Veneto
Pyramida Cestius
Palazzo Barberini
Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica
Via Condotti
Bazilika di San Clemente
Villa Borghese
San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane
Trajan sloupec
Palatine kopec
Piazza del Popolo
Santa Maria del Popolo
Bocca della Verità
Sant'Andrea al Quirinale
Santa Maria v Cosmedin
Palazzo Venezia
Sloup Marka Aurelia a Palazzo Chigi
Piazza Colonna
San Giovanni in Laterano
Scala Sancta
Kostel Gesu
Piazza del Campidoglio s Kapitol muzeí
Forum Romanum
Fontána di Trevi
Sant'Ignazio di Loyola kostel
Ara Pacis
Palazzo Montecitorio
Vany Caracalla
Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza
Santa Maria sopra Minerva
Santa Maria v Aracoeli
Památník Vittorio Emanuele II
Piazza Navona
Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi a Sant'Agnese v Agone
Sant'Andrea della Valle
San Luigi dei Francesi
Velká synagoga v Římě
Campo de 'Fiori
Palazzo Farnese
Santa Maria v Trastevere
Quirinal palác
Villa Farnesina
Andělský hrad
Ponte Sant'Angelo
Check-in details
Check-out details
Dorms. Guests must be at least 18 years old to stay in a dorm, and all guests will provide an ID upon check-in.
For guests between 16-18 old, they can stay in private rooms without an adult only if they can provide a written declaration of consent and a copy of the identity card of a person with parental authority. Guests younger than 16, will not be accepted, even in private rooms with no adult, or guardian with them, and no letter of authorisation.-We will try our best to put guests in the same dorm but, not guaranteed.
City Tax is not included in the price, and must be paid on arrival. €3.50 cost per guest per day.
Latest reviews
Recenze jsou od opravdových hostů, kteří v zařízení pobývali.
čistý, dobře spravovaný, velmi příjemný a připraven personál, mladé pokoje s dostatkem prostoru.
Vynikající hostel
Velmi čisté. Pěkný personál. Ale snídaně drahá a platba na místě. Hostel je blízko ke všemu, velmi dobrá poloha. Doporučuji!
Uložit toto ubytovací zařízení jako oblíbené
Latest Reviews
Recenze jsou od opravdových hostů, kteří v zařízení pobývali.
čistý, dobře spravovaný, velmi příjemný a připraven personál, mladé pokoje s dostatkem prostoru.
Vynikající hostel
Velmi čisté. Pěkný personál. Ale snídaně drahá a platba na místě. Hostel je blízko ke všemu, velmi dobrá poloha. Doporučuji!
Nous de l'espace, la chambre propre et bien située.
Très propre ce qui est pour moi primordial seul inconvénient le bruit mais dans la rue même dont ils subissent malheureusement la nuit
Centrally located, close to transits, with kitchen, kind staff, clean and spacious! more like a hotel.
Its a clean and spacious hostel. For 10 euros, you can have a late check-in. Location is great, close to central and also close to a subway station. Good food, good price, good staff. overall, a good stay!
Accommodation Offer

Počet nocí: 2
Datum odjezdu: 8 dubna 2025
Informace o objektu:
Jméno: MEININGER Roma Termini
Telefon: Poskytneme po rezervaci
Adresa: Poskytneme po rezervaci
E-mail: Poskytneme po rezervaci
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Social and fun
MEININGER hostels are known for their social and fun atmosphere so why not come down to Roma Termini and experience it for yourself?
The public zones we have created are the best place to experience this atmosphere- check out the bar, lounge and guest kitchen (it can only be used for warming precooked food and storage).