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Pura Vida Mini Hostel Santa Teresa
Playa Santa Teresa - Pura Vida Mini Hostel Santa Teresa
The hostel has 2 communal kitchens very equipped, 3 large fridges and a beautiful chill out area with a fantastic swimming pool, pool table and hammocks, all you need to have a great time after a good surfing day.

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Pura Vida Mini Hostel Santa Teresa is away from all the dust, hassle and bustle of this little town in our own private sanctuary with a lot of trees and nature.
IMPORTANT: Shared bathrooms do NOT have hot water.
Latest reviews
Recenze jsou od opravdových hostů, kteří v zařízení pobývali.
The place is beautifully set in nature where everything is basically what you simply need without the luxury of a hotel. They have 2 well-equipped kitchens, the most affordable rate on surfing lessons, lots of communal spaces and a pool to hang out. With a few revamp this place have great potential.
Plenty of hammocks to use in the gardens while admiring the views of nature. They have a cozy mini pool the accommodation is pretty basic and standard but clean enough.
Uložit toto ubytovací zařízení jako oblíbené
Latest Reviews
Recenze jsou od opravdových hostů, kteří v zařízení pobývali.
The place is beautifully set in nature where everything is basically what you simply need without the luxury of a hotel. They have 2 well-equipped kitchens, the most affordable rate on surfing lessons, lots of communal spaces and a pool to hang out. With a few revamp this place have great potential.
Plenty of hammocks to use in the gardens while admiring the views of nature. They have a cozy mini pool the accommodation is pretty basic and standard but clean enough.
Accommodation Offer

Počet nocí: 2
Datum odjezdu: 13 dubna 2025
Informace o objektu:
Jméno: Pura Vida Mini Hostel Santa Teresa
Telefon: Poskytneme po rezervaci
Adresa: Poskytneme po rezervaci
E-mail: Poskytneme po rezervaci
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The hostel has 2 communal kitchens very equipped, 3 large fridges and a beautiful chill out area with a fantastic swimming pool, pool table and hammocks, all you need to have a great time after a good surfing day.