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Hostel Wanderers Nest
Džajpur - Hostel Wanderers Nest
We have morning Yoga sessions(basic).
Local Food tours.
Village tours.
One day trip to Pushkar.
Volunteer in our ngo for free.
Make your tea by following a step by step guide in our kitchen.
Indian Cooking classes.
Specially designed city tours in tuk-tuk or taxis.
Morning and evening chat sessions for city related queries and sharing useful insights of city and how to avoid scams.
*all activities are subject to availablity , 1day advance intimation and min people required for activities

It all started when a solo traveler met his bnb host and they decided to open a hostel. A random conversation turned into a plan and within 2 months the plan was under execution and this is what travelling is all about.
Check-in details
Check-out details
We have a strict no alcohol policy in the hostel.
We have silent hours from 23:00 - 8:00, guests are advised to switch off the dorm lights and keep the dorms at peace s other guests can sleep, those who are insomniacs can join the host in the common area.
Latest reviews
Recenze jsou od opravdových hostů, kteří v zařízení pobývali.
I love the idea that part of the cost of your stay goes towards his schools and projects to better the community.” Excellent service, rooms are clean and modern.
The owner is incredible. He is friendly, accommodating and hospitable. There is always something to do and to explore in this beautiful hostel.
Uložit toto ubytovací zařízení jako oblíbené
Latest Reviews
Recenze jsou od opravdových hostů, kteří v zařízení pobývali.
I love the idea that part of the cost of your stay goes towards his schools and projects to better the community.” Excellent service, rooms are clean and modern.
The owner is incredible. He is friendly, accommodating and hospitable. There is always something to do and to explore in this beautiful hostel.
Accommodation Offer

Počet nocí: 2
Datum odjezdu: 22 března 2025
Informace o objektu:
Jméno: Hostel Wanderers Nest
Telefon: Poskytneme po rezervaci
Adresa: Poskytneme po rezervaci
E-mail: Poskytneme po rezervaci
S kompletní kontaktní informací se budete moci obrátit na hostel v případě speciálních požadavků.
Jak se dostat na místo
Jsou-li k dispozici, poskytneme vám pokyny, jak se dostat do hostelu včetně veřejné dopravy a informací o letišti.
Důležité informace
Poskytneme vám všechny důležité informace, abyste si skutečně užili váš pobyt.
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Social and fun
We have morning Yoga sessions(basic).
Local Food tours.
Village tours.
One day trip to Pushkar.
Volunteer in our ngo for free.
Make your tea by following a step by step guide in our kitchen.
Indian Cooking classes.
Specially designed city tours in tuk-tuk or taxis.
Morning and evening chat sessions for city related queries and sharing useful insights of city and how to avoid scams.
*all activities are subject to availablity , 1day advance intimation and min people required for activities